Chapter 3: Exploring Mentor Texts


In this chapter, Troy Hicks and Andy Schoenborn build on their stance of encouragement. They argue that exploring mentor texts creates confident writers by:

  • Showing writers models that they can emulate, from a few words to entire essays;
  • Inspiring them to make choices about tone and style, taking a risk with their writer’s voice;
  • Sparking their curiosity about new authors, genres, and means of publication;
  • Bringing the eye of the writer to their perspective as readers, looking for inspiration in fiction, nonfiction, and multimedia.

Here are the links presented in the chapter, in order:

Some Sources for High-Quality Mentor Texts

Activity 3.1: Answering the Call: Writing Guest Blog Posts for the Nerdy Book Club

Activity 3.2: Pecha Kucha–Style Talks

3.3.1: Multimedia Journalism as a Mentor Text

3.3.2: Vlogs and Maps as Mentor Texts