Teachers Teaching Teachers Webcast

Just a quick note to say that I’ve been enjoying the Teachers Teaching Teachers webcast for the past few weeks. Here is a piece of the write-up from last night’s episode. Check it out.

Our conversation this evening began innocently enough with Gail Desler, the technology liaison for the Area 3 Writing Project in and around Sacramento, California, describing her work over the past four years with blogging in the classroom. Last year 3 different Writing Projects and 5 schools joined together in a project called “Youth Voices: Coast to Valley.” Given that we have stolen their name, “Youth Voices” in an attempt to broaden our network of schools, we are delighted to include Gail and her teachers in the elgg at http://youthvoices.net! Last night Gail said that some of the same teachers from last year’s work would be joining the new Youth Voices. A great question that Gail has been asking is, “How can we sustain and deepen online conversations on a blog?” And part of this has to do with finding the right balance between personal blogging and common blogging around a theme or text.

Teachers Teaching Teachers

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NWP Featured in NSDC Article

For those of you looking for another resource about NWP that provides a concise, yet thorough, overview of the work, check this resource out from the National Staff Development Council’s Journal (Summer 2006):

National Writing Project plunges teachers into specific expertise with a thorough … Immersion in writing. (PDF version)
The National Writing Project is a leading example of how teachers, immersed in the practice of writing, are better able to both teach writing and lead peers to improve. By Mary Ann Smith

NSDC – Staff Development Library: Publications – JSD

Clear and timely, this is something that you could hand to a colleague and let them know about the work of NWP.

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