Shameless self-promotion alert:
My friend and RCWP colleague, Dawn Reed and I are facilitating an NCTE Webinar, Re-Seeing the Writing Process with Blogging and Podcasting, on Tuesday, December 2nd at 5:00 PM EST.
Thanks to all who have sent kind words my way about the webinar. It promises to be a learning experience for Dawn and I as we consider what future collaborations might look like.
This podcasting project collaboration has been a wonderful two years of work, culminating next spring in the release of our chapter in the Herrington, Moran, and Hodgson text, Teaching the New Writing: Technology, Change, and Assessment in the 21st Century Classroom from TCPress.
I will reflect on the webinar later this week, so long as final projects don’t bog me down with too much grading!
This is great … good luck to the two of you. We are lucky to have your chapter in the book (hopefully to be published in the Spring 2009)