As the fall semester comes to a close, it is already time for me to turn my attention to the winter/spring. In 2016, I will have my first opportunity to teach a doctoral course, CMU’s EDU 807: Learning Tools in Education Technology.
My goal/hope is to reenergize my blogging activity and to share some timely and consistent updates from EDU 807. As a way to begin this conversation, here is my video introduction to the course.
One idea that I am still mulling over is if and how I might “open” up EDU 807 to bring in additional voices of teachers and teacher educators who would want to experience the course in a MOOC-like manner. That is, participants would be able to listen in and participate in our class discussion, both in a synchronous manner through video conferencing as well as around discussions of our shared reading.
So, for all of you reading along this far… if you have any interest in this potential MOOC-like experience, please let me know by sharing a comment below or sending me a tweet or email. If there is enough interest, I may just pursue it.
More on EDU 807 to come soon, most likely around the idea of how we will use tools like Kami,, and NowComment for our initial reading discussions.
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.
Last year I participated in a TechEds model classroom initiative in my district, and since then, I have spent a lot of time trying to infuse technology into my 6th grade language arts classroom. Having read some of your work and followed you for a few years since becoming involved with my local writing project, I would be thrilled if given the opportunity to experience this course in a MOOC-like manner.