The Gap Between Life and Art: Remix Culture for Learning
Erin Reilly, University of Southern California
- Context of remix culture
- One in four online teens remix content that they find online (like songs, text, and images) and remix them into their own artistic creations
- Remixing media is a part of participatory culture; teens meaningfully connect in ways that combine media
- Music culture
- Remix and mashups of songs, combining melodies from two songs to make a new one
- Video remix
- Using preinstalled software or other web-based programs like jaycut
- Recut — take one of your favorite movies and cut it into something new (Shining)
- Political remix — Racial Equality for $29.95
- Machinima — Global Kids (using the practice of remixing to create new content based on content studied)
- Fan Vidding
- Participation Gap
- Access to tools like Wikipedia, YouTube, and networks for collaboration changes the game
- We in teacher education, K-12 classrooms, and other educational settings need to encourage learning in a participatory culture
- We need to work in the gap between life and school
- We are now reading a transmedia story, writing across networks, participating in games
- Confronting the Challenges of Participatory Culture: Media Education for the 21st Century (Jenkins et al., 2006)
- To develop a remix…
- The creator must consider how the original source is related to a new context
- Edutopia: Digital Generation Project (Nicole Pinkert’s project: Digital Youth Network)
- Geeking out, messing around, and hanging around (Ito et al)
- McLuhan — media as an extension of ourselves
- How do I get started?
- Trying to think about the logistical and ethical challenges of creating new media: Media Makers Challenges
- Transmedia characters, such as the ones from Heros (video of Heroes creator Tim Kring on transmedia storytelling)
- How to do this in the classroom? Invite your students to create character profiles on Twitter, invite them to create new texts from the characters’ perspective
- Begin by learning about these ideas for self-education, then moving into classroom and after school programs
- Be conservative in content, but radical in approach
- What’s essential, what can be transferred into a new medium?
- Reading a remix strategy
- Communities of Practice to Join
- Notes from Q&A
- New Media Early Adopters Group in New Hampshire
- Reading in a Participatory Culture
- It is very important to have a community of practice, and if we leave students and teachers out of this community they will not gain as much.
- The process is messy; we need to recognize and embrace this.
- We are so tied to the idea that things have to be perfect, but they do not. We need to know that things can be messy.
- Henry Jenkins’ idea of transmedia storytelling is now appearing in a major federal grant
- CAST from Harvard – UDL Bookbuilder
- Play as a new media literacy
- Thinking about 21st century assessment with Jim Gee’s project
- Dan Pink’s book, Drive — autonomy, mastery, and purpose as motivators
- Authorship, ownership, copyright, and fair use
- New media literacy of appropriation, and how to deal with that — three modules on the new media literacy library deal with this
- People don’t understand the context of fair use — check out Renee Hobbs and the Temple Media Education Lab
- Study from Matt Levinson on laptop integration, From Fear to Facebook
- Berkman Center for Internet and Society at Harvard
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Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-Share Alike 3.0 United States License.
Erin Reilly speaks eloquently on the need for interactive education. Today studtents hae an unparralled advantqage in not only learning the ‘r’s but developing their intuitive nature leading to a better understanding if the world around them. Moreover, interactive particiaption will not only develop but discover new talents and creativity that might otherwise remain hidden\ – they open up. . Merging the various technogies, webbased programs and media establsihes a platform that educators can include in their tradional time proven lesson plans.
Insightful points. I am going to want a good amout of time to examine this info.